The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
An American Bro and a British Bloke explore Fitness, Adulthood, Entertainment, and their own cultural differences! Join them weekly as they bring their own thoughts to the table and host insights from industry experts.
The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
Godzilla vs Kong: Reviewed
In yet another Warner Brother's movie review, Kalan and James go over their thoughts on the primal match-up movie - Godzilla vs Kong!
Was the overall movie ruined by a lack of coherent story? Or did the special effects win us over? Was Kyle Chandler correctly utilised? Is Millie Bobby Brown better than this?!
What can we expect from the 'Monsterverse' - (yep, it's a thing) - moving forward and can Warner Brother's find at least one "Home Run" in a franchise (please?!)
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