The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
An American Bro and a British Bloke explore Fitness, Adulthood, Entertainment, and their own cultural differences! Join them weekly as they bring their own thoughts to the table and host insights from industry experts.
The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
"At Home" Fitness; Workouts for Your Personal Space - *RERUN*
As James takes a break for "Paternity Leave", this is the first episode as part of our brief "Rerun" series. Be sure to follow @brosandblokes on the social medias for his key updates!
In another Fitness check-in, the guys go over some ideas for working out at home. Tyler presents three different "Categories" of money, all dependant on budget. They are
"Limited Budget", "Ready to Invest" and "Ballers"
Each one presents each own unique workout structures that can help get you in better shape in your own home.
Things to consider:
- Learn the movements FIRST! This can be done by finding a well-established Fitness guru on Youtube or Instagram
- Dedicate specific time each day to get your workouts in. Sometimes, people find it hard to separate chill-out time with workout time- especially in the home!
- DON'T use a'Cat Litter TRAY' for your workouts! Use the Container that the Cat Litter comes in. (Listen to the episode to know what we're talking about here.)
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