The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
An American Bro and a British Bloke explore Fitness, Adulthood, Entertainment, and their own cultural differences! Join them weekly as they bring their own thoughts to the table and host insights from industry experts.
The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
Getting to Know the English Premier League - *RERUN*
As James takes a break for "Paternity Leave", this is the second episode as part of our brief "ReRun" series. Be sure to follow @brosandblokes on the social medias for his key updates!
In today's episode, James shares his in-depth knowledge of England's most popular sport and league - soccer (or Football as locals call it) and the English Premier League.
We start with basic information on the league's format and points accumulation then look at the main teams to look out for, some significant rivalries and some of the key players (from England and from other countries.) We'll make comparisons in sport fandom between the US and Europeans and how the English Premier League has grown in popularity in the US over the last decade.
Curious about the Champions League? Check out our episode: 'Getting to Know the UEFA Champions League'
How to watch in the US: https://www.nbcsports.com/soccer
Main 'Premier League' website: https://www.premierleague.com/
A Guide to the "Big Six" : https://brobible.com/sports/article/american-soccer-fan-guide-choosing-a-favorite-premier-league-team/
An odd 'Choose Your Team" quiz: https://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/which-english-premier-league-team-should-you-support