The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
An American Bro and a British Bloke explore Fitness, Adulthood, Entertainment, and their own cultural differences! Join them weekly as they bring their own thoughts to the table and host insights from industry experts.
The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
The Truths Behind Those Biopic Movies - *RERUN*
As James takes a break for "Paternity Leave", this is the third episode as part of our brief "ReRun" series. Be sure to follow @brosandblokes on the social medias for his key updates!
Our latest movie episode has arrived! This time, we review some of our favourite "biopic" movies and explore the "truths" behind some of the elements - whether in character depiction or in storytelling. Those movies are:
- Captain Philips (2013)
- Band of Brothers (2001- mini-series)
- The Social Network (2010)
- The Revenant (2015)
- The Founder (2016)
- United 93 (2006)
Did the movie serve the actual events well, or were they overly-dramatised for cinematic affect? How was each main figure from the stories represented?
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