The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
An American Bro and a British Bloke explore Fitness, Adulthood, Entertainment, and their own cultural differences! Join them weekly as they bring their own thoughts to the table and host insights from industry experts.
The Bros and Blokes Lifestyle Academy
Suicide Squad, Bulk or Cut? & Most Fun States
In today's bumper variety episode, James and Kalan break down their thoughts on the latest DC movie to hit our screens: The Suicide Squad (2021). Was it a major improvement on the 2016 version? (08:01)
We then discuss the fitness transformation protocols of Bulking and Cutting. Which one should we focus on first? What are the deciding factors? (24.39)
We conclude with a fun quiz on the most fun states, according on an article from Forbes. Where does Missouri rank? What states are considered the least fun? (34:00)
Most Fun States ("Forbes")
Listed in Top 100 Men's Podcasts! ("Feedspot")
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